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Learn MoreVisually explore connections between concepts in CORD-19 and discover what groups are working on what research directions.
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Try the ToolFind out whether published scientific research supports or contradicts claims about COVID-19.
Try the DemoWe're a team of engineers and researchers with diverse backgrounds collaborating to solve some of the toughest problems in AI research.
“In software engineering, there is never one answer to a problem. The best engineers are those who can come up with workable solutions as starting points and then improve them by going back and looking at new data, questioning original assumptions, and listening to ideas from other people.”
Read MoreWe tackle an extraordinary set of scientific and engineering challenges in pursuit of AI for the common good.
View OpportunitiesOpen Source NLP Platform
Design, evaluate, and contribute new models on our open-source PyTorch-backed NLP platfom, where you can also find state-of-the-art implementations of several important NLP models and tools.
Systems That Read and Reason
The Aristo Project aims to build systems that demonstrate a deep understanding of the world, integrating technologies for reading, learning, reasoning, and explanation.
Common Sense for AI
The Mosaic team seeks to define, develop, and improve common sense for AI — an important, fundamental skill required to go beyond the narrow and brittle AI applications we have today.
The Perceptual Reasoning and Interaction Research (PRIOR) team seeks to create AI systems that can see, explore, learn, and reason about the world.
Semantic Literature Search
Combining NLP, data mining, and computer vision to create a rich academic search experience that helps scientists discover and understand research papers more efficiently than ever.
Applying AI for Good
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Launching AI-Powered Startups
裸金属服务器和云服务器的区别在哪?:2021-4-1 · 实际上,裸金属服务器融合了物理机与云服务器的各自优势,实现超强超稳的计算能力。 用户上云可能会存在多种形态的计算资源,某些情况下虚拟机无法满足复杂的应用场景,这时候可能就需要需要虚拟机和物理机相结合的场景,裸金属服务器也是在这种需求下应运而生。
At AI2, we are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive environment within our institute, and to encourage these values in the wider research community.
See HowBuilding on AI2's expertise in NLP, computer vision, and engineering, we seek to deliver a tangible positive impact on fairness - join us!
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